In successfully
completing this assignment, you will be able to:
- Find
a workable research paper topic
- Have
a strategy for dealing with it
- Communicate
your ideas on the topic in a succint manner
The research paper is our last and biggest assignment. We've discussed
in class how this paper will be similar to the source essays in that
it is taking an argument and using research to support it. The difference
is that you will have to go into more depth with your topic, your
research, and your writing, because the research paper will be 2000-3000
words long and have 8-12 sources.
Because we need to get started on this, you don't want to waste your
time on a topic that isn't workable. Therefore, you must complete
a topic proposal for my approval by Friday.
In a paper
that is longer than 300 words but no longer than 600 words
(I mean it), answer and discuss the following questions in complete
sentences and paragraph form:
- What
will your main argument be?
- Why
do you feel this is an important topic? What does it mean to you?
- What are some reasons you plan to put forward for your topic?
Briefly explain why they will support the thesis. You should mention
at least three. Of course, when you are writing your paper, these
will develop and change, but I would still like to see what you
are planning.
- Where do you plan on looking for sources?
- Who are you trying to persuade, and why?
- Give
a LOT of thought to whether you can stretch this topic in to 2000
words, or find 8 sources on it. Take this seriously. YOU CANNOT
- Group
the questions above into paragraphs. DO NOT say 1) My topic is....
2) I am ...etc. You are explaining your topic to me, not filling
out a form.
- If
you're unsure of what your topic will be, run things by me. This
is especially true if we have not discussed your topic before.
- Do
NOT turn this in late. On Monday we start reseach and you must have
a cleared topic by then.
- If
you are dealing with a technical or specialized topic, make sure
to include the necessary definitions so that I can understand what
you are talking about!
well you meet these requirements determines your grade. The topic
proposal must:
- Be 300-600 words in length
- Have
all questions answered FULLY and THOUGHTFULLY
- Have
at least three reasons for your argument given and discussed briefly
- Use MLA format
- Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. and avoid careless
Score: 60 pts.
Date: Friday, March 28