Quiz on Academic Sources

Which of the following are academic sources? Write your answers in a word document and e-mail them to me with a subject line that gives your last name and says "Academic Sources Quiz". If the answer is "no", explain why that source cannot be considered academic. Also, identify which ones would be considered print sources by writing "Print Source" next to your answer about whether or not the source is academic.

The sites are:

1. ReligiousTolerance.org

2. The American Heart Association

3. PETA.org

4. TheTruth.com

5. TomPaine.com

6. Responsible Marketing from Phillip Morris

7. It's Time to Give Up the War on Drugs - Gary S. Becker

8. Will 2004 Presidential Race Hit New Lows? - Bill O'Reilly

9. Death Penalty - Radju Adju

10. Women Edge Men in High School Diplomas - Mike Bergman