nlgeorge's blog en final week individual post <p>Yesterday I put together our groups powerpoint. I also added some more formatting to our paper and added a title page.</p> <p>Today, during class time, I made our handout for everyone, which icludes information that will be presented in our presentation.</p> <p>Later today our group plans on meeting in the Union to make any last changes to our paper.</p> Mon, 08 Dec 2008 16:51:58 +0000 nlgeorge 553 at individual blog <p>Today in class our group did discuse a little more about how we are going to format and what we are going to do with our paper. After class, I went home and started formatting it. I fixed the Headers and Subheaders, added a logo to the top of every page, added page number, and added a table of content. After I get back from class I plan on finding more information on cost because we are short in information on that.</p> Wed, 03 Dec 2008 17:50:14 +0000 nlgeorge 531 at Parent Involvement on Sexual Predators [Facebook]- Group Blog <p>Today our group, Kavika, Stephanie, and myself, met in the union to add together what we have come up with so far in the project. We ended up putting all of it together into one paper and split up what tasks we had left for the project inorder to finish the rough draft. We then planned to meet tomorrow at 6pm in the Union again.</p> Mon, 01 Dec 2008 22:06:00 +0000 nlgeorge 524 at Facebook Blog over Thanksgiving <p>During break I did some more research on the solution our group came up with to help parents become more involved with their child's life. I found more information of the Zephyr program and what it actually does. After I found more information I started writing some of our rough draft.</p> Mon, 01 Dec 2008 22:02:46 +0000 nlgeorge 523 at Final Week 4 Post <p>Today our group met at Lawson at 10:30 and finalized our paper. We fixed and redid our logo for the document and just revised our paper. We were actually given a task yesterday and told that we needed to take all of MySpace out of our paper and to just use Facebool. So yesterday, I actually went through the powerpoint that I made and took all of the MySpace stuff out of there, while Stephanie did the same for the final draft. We met and also discused how we were going to present our proposal and divided it into different parts. After we met, I went home and tried to print out our paper, with the cover page on card stock, and my printer would not except it. So at the last minute, our group was stuck with how we were going to print out our paper and get it over to copy mat. Then we found out if you take a flashdrive there, they can pull it up and print it for us. So we accomplished our goal and got our paper bound.</p> Fri, 31 Oct 2008 05:40:27 +0000 nlgeorge 422 at week 3 post <p>Today in class we got together and discused and looked over our peer review. We came to conclusion that our group needs to break up the paper more and be more explicit. We found out that our paper is a little hard to defined where our many solutions are. We also need to work on the "changing facebook" features and be more descriptive. We are going to meet two times next week, for reorganizing and adding features to our paper and to discuss our presentation.</p> Fri, 24 Oct 2008 14:16:55 +0000 nlgeorge 381 at Facebook/MySpace [Privacy] - last week <p>Last Wednesday my group and I met in the Union and finished discusing what our three soultions to our problem was going to be. We came up with what we believe are a fantastic solutions. They are that parents need to take more charge in the lives of their children's social-networking, providing a social security number in order to obtain and account, and restructuring what Facebook/MySpace allows one to put on their profile. After we finished that we were each given one solution and had to write on that and find supporting information and then send it to each group member on Sunday, October 19th. Then Friday, October 17th, I researched and found information that supported my part of the project, which is providing one's social security number in order to obtain an account.</p> Tue, 21 Oct 2008 03:39:09 +0000 nlgeorge 366 at Week 1 update <p>Yesterday, I went on to the Purdue Library Database and found a couple articles off the CQ Research website about social-networking and the problem that deals with privacy. One of the articles, our group actually found an example in the article where the student actually got kicked out of one college and transfered to Purdue. We e-mailed him to see if we could maybe setup an interview with him about his experience, but he was not up for it. I, myself and trying to research information on how people use false information. I am not finding a lot right now, but I am still looking in progress.</p> Fri, 10 Oct 2008 13:38:06 +0000 nlgeorge 328 at Topic Proposal:[Social Network] <p>There are multipule number with social networking which are involved on those sources like Facebook or Myspace. The main problem that i see that comes with these networks is privacy. Although most of these network do have options on how to manage one's privacy status, many people do not set to a privacy setting. Because they do not put a setting on their account, this may or may not lead to things like invasion of privacy. Out in the internet world, there are tons of preditors that lie about things like their age and try to attract younger males or females. One could also stalk someone if there privacy is not set to a certain standard. From personal experience, I had someone retrieve my cell phone number off facebook and text me. I found it extremely creep and reminded me that I needed to take my number off facebook. Altogether something needs to be done about privacy in order for protection.</p> Thu, 02 Oct 2008 02:58:46 +0000 nlgeorge 269 at "Instant" objective statements <p><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">&nbsp;To utilize my qualifications as a Manager-in-training</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: bold; font-family: 'Arial Narrow'; language: en-US; mso-color-index: 1; mso-ascii-font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"></span><span style="font-weight: bold; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; language: en-US; mso-color-index: 1; mso-ascii-font-family: 'Arial Narrow';">A position as a&nbsp;Manager-in-training for Abercrombie and Fitch allowing me to develop my strengths in life</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: bold; language: en-US; mso-color-index: 1; mso-ascii-font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"></span><span style="font-weight: bold; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; language: en-US; mso-color-index: 1; mso-ascii-font-family: 'Arial Narrow';">An opportunity to&nbsp;excel in such a highly ranked retail store</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: bold; font-family: 'Arial Narrow'; language: en-US; mso-color-index: 1; mso-ascii-font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"></span><span style="font-size: small; color: #000000; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Manager-in-training&nbsp;with emphasis in&nbsp;human resources&nbsp;</span></p> Wed, 17 Sep 2008 13:51:44 +0000 nlgeorge 225 at