iraul's blog

Work Week Blog 10

This week, we really switched into full speed and completed the necessary and remaining tasks to meet the requirements of the projects. I contributed heavily on proof reading the entire paper, helped in formatting, and making the paper look appealing. I also arranged meeting time at quite a few instances.

Work Week Blog 9

The past week, we worked on turning our Rough Draft into a Final Draft. We talked briefly about some approaches on how to create the PowerPoint and do the presentation. We also talked about how we could improve the paper, what area needed work, and what areas we liked. We all agreed to take advantage of the services the Writing lab offered if we had time.


I worked on my parts individually and proof read them, added some pictures. I also went through the sources to check that they matched in the paper.

Work Blog Week 8

Given it was Thansgiving Week, we really weren't able to meet much, but we had initially talked about it, and thus I worked on my part individually. I called the company, and got information about the product.

Work Blog Week 7

We separated the tasks and continued to work on it. I helped group members with their parts and performed more research on my part. We all as a team are working on our parts and plan on putting everything in the upcoming week, we still have to decide on the details. I did have to miss a group meeting, but I had let the group members know about this advance.

Work Blog 6

This week, we mainly spent time on getting the project guidelines out. Aided group members in researching their parts. All members provided their veiews on how to approach the task at hand. We decided on some meeting times, and how to be more efficient in our meetings.

I first read the requirements of the paper, and performed research, since member of the group and I needed a detailed understanding of our solution. I then relayed what I learned from my research to my teammates, so that they could conduct their own research.



Audible Magic: CopySense Appliance. (2008). Retrieved October 17, 2008, from
Audible Magic Web site:

Larson, W. (2007, February 26). UNL 3rd on RIAA's list of schools with most copyright complaints Retrieved October 21, 2008, from Daily Nebraskan Web site:

CopySense® Appliance Case Study. (2005). CopySense Appliance Case Study [White Paper]. Retrieved 
November 3, 2008, from Audible Magic, Bentley College Web site:

Work Blog Week 5

We as a team met in class on Wednesday and Friday and decided upon one single solution that will base our recommendation project on. We also met on the weekend to work on our Memo, I helped with the memo but was the key player in creating the Gantt Chart. I helped with revising the memo, and helped getting group members with some of the new software that was used to create the Gantt chart.



Audible Magic: CopySense Appliance. (2008). Retrieved October 17, 2008, from
Audible Magic Web site:

Larson, W. (2007, February 26). UNL 3rd on RIAA's list of schools with most copyright complaints Retrieved October 21, 2008, from Daily Nebraskan Web site:

CopySense® Appliance Case Study. (2005). CopySense Appliance Case Study [White Paper]. Retrieved 
November 3, 2008, from Audible Magic, Bentley College Web site:


Work Blog Week 4

This week, I helped the group in revising all parts of the whitepaper. I then helped the grou in making a PowerPoint. I then continued to imporve my parts and helped others with theirs parts. I helped the team get oritened with new technology. I helped the group in arranging meetings. I helped the group putting their sources i APA Format. I also suggested that we picked University of Nebraska as the unviersity base our research upon.



Audible Magic: CopySense Appliance. (2008). Retrieved October 17, 2008, from
Audible Magic Web site:

Cheng, J. (2007). Forget party schools: The RIAA lists the top piracy schools in the US [News].
    Retrieved October 29, 2008, from Ars Web site:

Navin, A. (2007, May 7). Perspective: The P2P mistake at Ohio University Retrieved October 22, 2008, from Cnet News Web site:

Larson, W. (2007, February 26). UNL 3rd on RIAA's list of schools with most copyright complaints Retrieved October 21, 2008, from Daily Nebraskan Web site:





Work Blog Week 3

I made tweaks to the second solution which I was assigned. I took everybody's parts and put them all into a single document, making the whitepaper. I formatted the white paper and made it look appealing. I helped group members with their parts, in proofreading and provided suggestions on their corresponding tasks. I also coordinated meeting times.



Audible Magic: CopySense Appliance. (2008). Retrieved October 17, 2008, from
Audible Magic Web site:

Cheng, J. (2007). Forget party schools: The RIAA lists the top piracy schools in the US [News].
    Retrieved October 29, 2008, from Ars Web site:

Navin, A. (2007, May 7). Perspective: The P2P mistake at Ohio University Retrieved October 22, 2008, from Cnet News Web site:

Larson, W. (2007, February 26). UNL 3rd on RIAA's list of schools with most copyright complaints Retrieved October 21, 2008, from Daily Nebraskan Web site:




Work Blog Week 2

I helped the group by composing a solution to a problem. I also arranged meeting times and aided others in their parts.





Work Blog

I aided the group in composing the memo into one concise document. I researched on how our solution was feasible or not.  I set up and managed group meetings. I also did further reading and research on the link provided by my group members.




