Facebook Research

I was able to find a few articles online that talked about our issues with facebook. some of the issues they discussed were:

A father who recently started using Facebook enjoys using it for professional use for work and talking to his coleagues. While his daughter does not like him using Facebook because she is embarrassed that her dad uses the same site to chat.

I also found some demographic material on the age groups who use Facebook and it also discusses which group is growing the most as users.

"Facebook Age Distribution"

O'reilly Radar, "Facebook Growth By Age Group: Share of College - Users is Declining."

I want to show that Facebook need to show more privacy measures, learning tools, tips for privacy, and Facebook need a tutorial for beginning users to use and learn about all of the different types of privacy setting that can be used to keep users safe ou there.

Maybe use pop up menues or something like that for new users to learn from or everyone to use.

A way to select privacy settings in a more user friendly manner for the non teck people out there.


Eric Koestner

