Personal Blog Entry, White Paper Project, Week 2

After meeting on class last Friday, we created our work schedule and decided that each one of us would research on two possible solutions for our topic of "E-Commerce Fraud". I researched before going on Fall Break and found two solutions that I thought were very interesting. One of them consisted in companies specializing in E-commerce fraud to engage in a series of policies before accepting possible clients. The following websites explain that solution:

I also found examples of big cases were e-commerce fraud existed as part of my research for background history on E-commerce and E-commerce fraud.

On Wednesday, I wrote my first draft on one of the solutions that me and my group chose. Tonight, Thursday, i will write about background information and history of E-commerce, and send it to the members of my group. Since I am not going to be here for class tomorrow because I am going to Guatemala, we decided that both of them would write the introduction and conclusion based on what the three of us wrote and we would meet again Monday.