E-commerce Fraud, Group Entry #3

Each of the group members spent the past week and weekend writing separate
portions of the white paper draft. We had an efficient way of dividing the work
and emailing each other the portions according to our schedule since we were
not able to meet during the weekend. Ultimately, one person put together all
the portions and that was our draft.

After doing peer reviews, we learned how to fix our white paper. We realized
that we were missing quite a bit from it, and after critiquing someone else's,
we saw our strengths and our weaknesses.

This weekend we have the task of editing our individual contributions. The
things we need to fix are making our portions more concise, doing both pros and
cons in our solutions, deleting irrelevant portions of our paper and similarly
adding in entire portions that we failed to address, and creating a more
organized look to our paper. Next Tuesday we will be meeting after we have
finished editing our portions so that we can all have a final say for the
white paper. We hope that after that we can have the white paper spiral bound.