E-Commerce Fraud Group, Week 1, Recommendation Report

This last week, we got together in class wednesday and decided which of our three alternatives we would choose for our recommendation report. We all agreed that the solution that related to outsourcing the implementation of the anti-fraud software was the most effective one. This is true because of the alternative's low cost; not only economic, but also relating to the cost of implementing and training of the eBay's personnel. Moreover, the company that we chose (it is more like a merger of two companies that is expected to occur soon) is the most experienced and effective in anti-fraud and fraud detection software. Ebay would practically be leaving their fraud problems in the hands of the most reliable and experienced companies available.

After class Friday, we had some time to get together and decide which one of us would do what part of the project. We wrote our plan of action memo and then, Sunday at noon, we met and developed our Gantt chart. Here, we specified who would take care of which part of the project, as well as the time we would invest in each specific section. I think it ended up being very organized and it will be very effetive in helping us organize our project.