jkameo's blog

Work Blog

Finished revisions to the recommendation report.  Finished the powerpoint and handout.  Got the report printed and bound at kinkos.

Work Blog

Today we met as a group.  We discussed further revisions to the report, and also created slides for the powerpoint and put together a bunch of important points for the brochure.

Work Blog

Combined research and put together the rough draft on Tuesday.

Started revisions today.

Work Blog

I conferenced with Alex over the weekend to discuss research findings for the report.  We need to collect each person's findings in order to put together the rough draft.

Work Blog

Revised and edited white paper.  Attempted to get certain team members to use sources and cite information.  Started on powerpoint presentation.

Work Blog

Finished introduction, history, executive summary, conclusion, and solution assembly.  Began revising and editing white paper draft.  Put together works cited and went through to ensure APA guidelines.  Printed out white paper draft.

Work Blog

Researched the history of fraud in E-commerce.

Outlined the main points of the history and why it is a major issue to eBay.

Began brainstorming formats for white paper design.

Work Blog

Brainstormed and did surface research on e-commerce issues, especially with eBay. 

Wrote the topic proposal memo and submitted it to the rest of the team for review.

E-Commerce Group: Meeting 1

Meeting Place: BRNG B274

Meeting Time: 4:30PM Monday, October 06, 2008

Attendees: John K, Nick H, Daniel G, Alex R

Goal of Meeting: Pick a specific issue to discuss.

Topics Discussed: E-Commerce Fraud, Availability of Products Online, E-bay..

Decisions Made: The issue of fraud on EBay and its prevention will be our topic.

Group Tasks: Brainstorm specific fraud issues and possible prevention techniques, and submit to John.

Plans for Next Meeting: Bring the brainstorm ideas together in a proposal memo and review the final memo document before submission.

Details: All group members will be brainstorming aspects of our proposed topic.  John will prepare a draft of the memo and final revisions will be made to the document on October 9, 2008.


Topic Proposal: E-Commerce Hurdles

E-commerce has become the next generation in retail.  Suppliers can now reach out to a greater market than ever before, and consumers now have access to broader array of products than ever in history.  A new type of supplier is being created that can potentially pass the savings on real estate and labor to the customer and offer their products at substantially lower prices than traditional retailers.  However, these new suppliers do face many challenges that need to be addressed.  Many customers are not as comfortable purchasing an item they cannot touch and feel first, from a supplier they cannot look in the face.  Internet fraud is also a growing concern, and many internet customers in the past have been burned by poor shipping experiences.  These issues must be resolved for e-commerce to be successful.