kim567's blog

Week 4: Project 3 Individual Work

 After Thanks giving break, I and Cam had a meeting and discussed about Intro, Executive Summary, conclusion and other parts from each members. We divided part again to write more about our topic. 

 Before thanks giving, I surveyed Purdue students about "How oftenly do they use Ruckus." Survey turned out really well and I add it on my part - why Copysense is superior than other solution. 

 This week, I will finish why UNL needs copysense, and what's their problem.   

Week 3: Individual Work

Our group devided each part and my part is Explain why your solution is superior to other ideas. I researched the problems of the other solutions such as "Ruckus" and "Cdix." I also surveyed 50 students of Purdue University about what do they thinkin about "Ruckus". 

Week 2: individual work

 This week we met in the class and discuss and plan about our recommendation project.

 We decided own parts and I am going to suggest ways to deal with any problems or drawbacks that may arise from our solution.  Also we decide meeting date, we will meet in the hicks at 4:30.

Project 3, Week 1: Individual work

 Project 3 started! Our group met in the class and we decided one of the solution which is copy sense. We planned next meeting as a this sunday at 7 o'clock to finish POA memo. We have to learn about making Gantt Chart. In memo, we have to put problems, solutions and Gantt Chart. I never made Gantt Chart before but it seems fun and I'm sure that it will help us to track our schedules.

 From now on we are planning to research more about copysense specifically.  

Week 4: Music group Individual Work

 Finally, we finished final draft of white paper. I found some problems of our white paper, for example excecutive summary or back ground history didn't follow the rule. Also main problem was choice of the company which we are going to send a whitepaper. We chose RIAA which is Recording Industry Association America, but we later change it to University of Nebrask in Lincoln(UNL) due to our paper contents.

 I focused on UNL and researched about this school history, percentage of illegal downloading music and so on and I fixed my part, history problem and solution 3. I made my part of powerpoint slide and finish final white paper. I revised it several times and fixed some grammar parts and citation parts. Later we collect all together and binded at Copy mat.

 I was kind of nervouse but our presentation was perfect thanks to everyone's hard effort!

Week 3: Music group -Individual Work

 I had done my part, history of problem and solution 3rd part. I had  a trouble with inappropriate solution but it solved with changing company which we were going to send.

 We have done our first draft of White Paper. I went to the Writing Lab and had counsel with Mr. John Hitz. I found some grammar errors and fixed it. The biggest problem was misunderstanding of executive summary. Not only executive summary, but also there are other problem, such as lack of source, wrong order of bibliography, parallelism and so on. I let my group know about those problems. My group gathered together and fixed every problem. I also make all paper contents with a same format.

 After I got peer review from other groups, I found that Sending Company was not appropriate according to our solutions. So we decided send this white paper to University. I am keep researching right now and Howard university seems need our solutions. I am researching more about college or university which concerns about illegal download music, but don't have solutions.

Week 2 : Music Group Individual Update

This week, I researched one of main problem about illegal download music and found how many American uses digital music player like MP3 player. I obtain document from PEW INTERNET & AMERICAN LIFE PROJECT, and found out that more than 22 million American adults own iPods or MP3 players. I researched it, because it tells us changing method of listening music. Not many people using CD player anymore and this is one of the reasons why people need to download mp3 file from website or internet. However there are not many website offers to download music legally. Relating to this subject, I researched ‘itunes’ and ‘Rapsody’ which are providing legal mp3 music file.

After I research, I wrote paper about problem and solution due to illegal download music.



Week 1 Update

I researched about reasons why downloading music is bad. Why it is illegal, and how it affects to the music industry, artist and music store. I found The U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act and studied why it is illegal in the United States. I also read CIRPA, Canadian Independent Record Production Association’s “State Of Music Industry” to compare other countries’ laws and act. I researched about “Nepster” which is the first P2P program in the United States and think about it is illegal or legal program.  Finally, I found articles talks about how many students downloading music from internet illegally and how it affects to the music industry.

Topic Proposal : Illegal Music Downloading Ruins Artist's creativity and Music Indurstry

Majority of people are down loading music illegally from the internet or P2P program without guiltiness. Downloading music from the internet or P2P programs are violating copyrights law in United States. The music industry is facing unprecedented financial difficulties. Due to this illegal situation, artists are finding it to be extremely hard to survive. Large quantities of record store in Korea closed due to extremely decreasing record sales in a short time. According to “SurveyU,” out of 500 students at Northern Michigan University, 490 students have downloaded music illegally. Music industries and entertainment companies looking for solutions due to this problem but they have not yet found an effective solution.

Instant objective statements

       To utilize my foreign language skills, international experiences and business management skills as a international brand management position.

       A position as a International brand management for MTV International Network allowing me to develop my [time managing skills, cooperating skills with foreign workers, and organizing marketing strategy.    

       An opportunity to manage international meeting, learn international MTV program, organize marketing strategy in a International network in MTV.

       International brand management with emphasis in international experiences, foreign language skills and management skills.
