Cover Letter Outline

I. Saw the job ad on and was interested
    a. Job combines two strengths of mine
    b. Sounds like a good position (posting #21213)

II. The job requires a large skillset, and I have a deep, broad skillset to match
    a. I am experienced in web development and data modeling.
    b. This job requires a mastery of several technologies which I possess.
    c. Job is interesting because it requires more than technical skills
        i. Communication is important to make things understood between business users and technical users
        ii. Project management skills are part of my personality

III. Request an interview
    a. Excited about the possibility of meeting to discuss how I might meet the company's needs
    b. Discuss how my skillset can aid Mayo Clinic's push into Bioinformatics and personalized medicine.
    c. Note that I am flexible, but traveling to MN requires some notice.



I think you have good structure here, and a viable skeleton to work with in guiding your cover letter.