Cover Letter Outline

Outline for the Cover Letter

I. Introduction

       A. Heading

                   1. Title

                   2. Company's Name

                   3. Contact Person/ Address

                   4. Date

                   5. Reply Information ( my email, etc.)

II. Letter

          A. Body

              1. Introduction

                    a. Source of ad

                    b. Describe my availablity

               2. Content  of the body

                 a. Discuss the Qualifications the employer requires ( depending on the ad)

                  b. Discuss my Qualifications (team leader, time manager, communication  skills)

                  c. Discuss prior work experience ( USF Library, FBLA, International Club)

                  d. Convicnce the employer (why I suit this position, why I should be hired)

                  e. Contact Information

III. Conclusion

                   1. Inform about calling them to schedule an appointment

                   2. Ending Greetings


This organization won't work for your cover letter. Go back and examine the requirements in the text - what needs to go in the intro, argument, and closing paragraph. These are specific and must be met in order for you to have an effective cover letter. Break them down into paragraphs; this currently looks to be structured as one big paragraph with everything inside of it.