Topic Proposal: [Downloading music and music videos illegally].

I believe that downloading music and music videos illegally is terrrible wrong.  Most of the users don't know or don't want to know that it is illegal. These songs are copyrighted meaning that they are illegal to be downloaded from programs like limewire or Aries. If you buy the music or music videos then that's the correct way to get the music.  Some people know that it is illegal and still do it, accordding to recent research it is agaimst the law.

Also downloading music and music videos really harm the artist.  If you are stealling one of your favorite Artist music from Limewire, then you are not helping them at all.  Basically you are stealing form the Artist. That is really wrong.

This drastically cuts the amount of CDs sold. Therefore, record companies are spending less money to promote new artists.  This hurts well-known artists as much, but it makes it much harder to break new artists because no one wants to invest money into a new band, especially when its core audience is people who will most likely steal the product. Overall, the music industry is decreasing . Basically you are stealing form the Artist. That is really wrong.

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