Music Group

  • When you met and where

        - We met in the normal classroom

  • Who was there

            - Laneta, Inder, Sol, Cam

  • What was the goal of the meeting

         - To setup  another meeting date and to start on project 2 that's due Friday.

  • What topics overall you discussed

         - We discussed the different issues with downloading music illegally.

  • Any decisions you made

          -  Everybody had good ideas, but we are still trying to decide on a specific topic.

  • What tasks you delegated to whom

         - Cam - potiential solution examined(look around)

         - Laneta - found out concise background infromation

          -Sol- Find / think of persuasive reason  related to the topic

          - Inder - look for the different possible resources that we can use

  • What your plans are for the next meeting

         - collaborate all of ideas and all the information that we found

  • Any other details you think would be helpful in explaining tasks, responsibilities, or the topic in general. This blog is for your group members to consult once they are home as well as for me to view.

        - No, all group members have a clear view of the topic and what is going on. 

Face book group research

The other day I found a few articles online that deal with our subject about age issues with Face Book. The different articles are: "Face Book developers to factor in age, location" "Facebook Growth By Age Groups: Share of College-Age Users is Declining, This articles just tells about how teens are now the fastest age group segment to use Face book and how demographics come to play a part of the story. "The Facebook Age Distribution" This article talks about how Facebook is still just for the College crowd 18-26 year olds but is gaining in nubers of older users. I will try to find some more articles to use for the memo. Eric Koestner Facebook group