Week 1 Work Blog

This week, after meeting with my MySpace group, I conducted various forms of research.  To begin, in order to obtain insider information, I joined the social networking site.  Without actually being a member of MySpace, you cannot access different portions of their website.  As a team, we decided it was imperative that one of us actually join the site to learn more about what it's all about.  Another important topic I researched was children's protection groups and agencies attempting to change the way America's youth uses the Internet.  I stumbled across an internet-based group galled Enough is Enough.  Their mission is to protect America's children and families from the dangers of using the Internet.  They first formed in 1994 and have since used a wide array of media and public relations outlets to get their message out.  We decided to use Enough is Enough as our target audience for the White Paper Project because although they are aware of MySpace, it is not a focal point of their work.  We believe with the help of this group, we could get our MySpace message out to the masses.  Finally, we worked on our Proposal Memo.  After each team member added their section, I put the final finishing touches on the assignment and proof-read it one last time.