Cover Letter

I. Heading

                A. Contact Information; Name, address, phone number

                B. Date

                C. Companies contact information

II. Introduction

                A. Professional greeting

                B. Introduce myself, where I found the ad, and why I feel qualified

                C. Pronounce my ethics and ambitions

III. Body

                A. Discuss the qualifications of the employer

B. Convince employer of my skills and qualifications

                C.  Convey my drive and determination

IV. Closing

                A. Discuss my availability, willingness to move

                B. Looking forward to the future; interviewing and meeting in person

                C. Restate contact information, include phone number

                D. Thanking the company for their time


While you have a grasp of what generically should be included, the assignment was to apply it more personally so it can help you better work out your cover letter strategy.