Project Log

Project 3 progress

last week , we decide to divide the different task up and to meet through e-mail and couple of times after class

Ecomm1 Blog for week of December 8

This week we finalized our paper according to the feedback we have received from peer reviews. We also tried to rewrite some sections to make the flow better. Some minor changes were made, but the bulk of the paper remains the same as before. It's just more polished now.

On Tuesday night, we compiled all of our slides together into one slide show for our presentation on Wednesday. We also made sure that all of the material was going to be covered in our presentation on Wednesday.

Recommendation Project Blog

Today I met with my group and worked on the final draft of our paper.  I worked with Kelly on making the suggested revisions from our peer review notes and finalizing the final draft of our paper.  I will spend the next 2 days preparing for my part of the powerpoint presentation that we are scheduled to give on Wednesday.

Project 3, Progress

My group and I have meet through e-mail and phone calling trying to get our paper all together. We met before break, through e-mail and this week since all our schedules have been busy, we have contacted each other through phone calls, and e-mails. Everyone was able to get therir parts done and the rough draft was out together.

Meeting 1st of December Rough Draft Finalized

During the period on which class was cancelled, we finalized our individual parts in a group setting and afterwards edited and pasted together the sections to make the final paper. I went over the end user part of the paper and modified the psychological argumentative aspects of that section. We planned on meeting next week for the final draft review before turning it in.

Monday 24th November Meeting

We discussed responsibilities and kept up to date on which person was in charge of what section for the paper. My end user section was cleared up in that some aspects of the solution that I had already written were clashing with Jim's own section. We discussed which issue we were both explaining and we resolved any other issues. Finalizing the rough draft was for next meeting.

Cyber Bullying Paper Blog

My group and I met today to write the rough draft of our recommendation project.  I wrote the section on the costs of making and advertising commercials so AOL can raise awareness to the public about the issue of cyber bullying.  Everyone in the group wrote their own section then we brought them all together and filled in the gaps between each section.  I plan on meeting with my group next Monday to make corrections to our paper and finalize it.  Next Monday we will also make our power point presentation and practice our presentation.

Recommendation Paper Cyber Bullying Blog

Our group met today to finish writing the first draft of our recommendation paper.  We divided up the remaining parts of the paper for each person to write before compiling it all together.  Ben wrote the conclusion and did more research on the cost of school programs.  Lauren wrote about the cost of making and advertising commercials and the advantages and disadvantages.  Kelly wrote the background and formatted the paper and added all of our paragraphs to the paper.  Dan wrote the executive summary and did more research on the costs of commercials.  We finished the first draft of our paper this afternoon and are ready to turn it in for review on Wednesday.  We plan on meeting next Monday to make the suggested corrections and finalize our paper for our presentations. 

Progress on project 3

My group and I have divided up the task and are working on our parts in order to put the together as a whole, we plan to meet Dec. 1 on chat or in person

Recommendation Project Blog

This week for our recommendation project I continued gathering research about implementing a program during school hours for middle school and high school level students to attend and learn about cyber bullying and the dramatic effects it can have on a child's life.  I plan on writing about this section of the paper this weekend and coming to our group's meeting on Monday with my section written.