How to Post to Your Individual Weblog

Posting to your individual weblog is a little more complex than posting a comment, but after a couple of times, you'll find it as easy as email.

  1. You must be logged in to post to your weblog.
  2. From any page on the site, choose the create content link in the main navigation block on the left hand side. That will bring you to the create content page. [You can also click on the blogs link and then the "my blog" sublink.

  3. The first time you visit the create content page, read the descriptions under personal blog entry and story.
  4. To post to your individual weblog, choose blog entry. This will bring you to the Submit blog entry page.

  5. [Tip: Users of The Thomson Handbook should review the Project Checklist on "Networking in Online Forums" (p. 627) to refresh your memory on posting successful weblog messages. (All of Chapter 28 would be a good review at this stage.)]
  6. Enter a good Title for your post.
  7. Choose a Category tag for your post. You can use a standard one (like "Reading Response" or create one suggested in the prompt or that suits your content. You may use multiple tags.
  8. Enter the text of your post in the Body field. You may use plain text or some combination of HTML in creating this post.
  9. Leave the Input format on Filtered HTML unless you have used HTML tags other than those allowed.
  10. Under URL path settings, you can give your post a short and unique URL alias. For example, you might want to use "team3projectlog" to identify your team's project log. If you use that URL, the full path would be something like
  11. Optional: If you need to attach a file,
    • Click on the File attachments link.
    • Use the Browse button to locate the file on your hard drive.
    • One you have located the file, click the Attach button.
    • A bar will show the progress of the upload . You should then see your attachment listed.
  12. Choose Preview.
  13. Review your post. If you make any changes, preview it again.
  14. When ready, select Save to post.


  • The system will not offer you a Save button if you do not give your post a title.
  • If enabled by your instructor, choose story on the create content page to post to the course home page. The rest of the procedure is the same as for creating a personal blog entry.