daves's blog

myPurdue Documentation Individual Blog - 6

I met with the group tonight to work on the usuability report for the project. I wrote about the background information of the software. We'll be compiling and editing this over the next two days to turn it in on Wednesday.

myPurdue Documentation Individual Blog - 5

I worked on our final draft tonight. I looked at out docx and followed some of the recommendations of our peer review. Some of the simple images were removed. I made sure all the image sizes wer fairly consistent throughout the paper. All of the links work. If there is a link to another section, that section usually begins at the top of a page. When I finished. I emailed a pdf and docx version of the draft to my teammates, uploaded the pdf to our Google doc page, and uploaded both files to out Google sites page.

myPurdue Documentation Individual Blog - 4

I met with the group in Beering tonight. We worked on the documentation together. We split the parts into three and worked on the individually. We then emailed our parts to Paul, and the three of us compiled our parts together. We'll export our Word docx as a pdf and get it ready to turnin it in tomorrow.

myPurdue Documentation Individual Blog - 3

I took the screenshots for our project last night. I edited the screenshots today to remove any of my personal information that I want to protect. I used a red box to set off the steps we need for emphasis. Usually, my mouse arrow is not too far away from the item that needs focus. I then uploaded the screens to our Google site for the project. There is an Easter Egg in the screens. I wonder if anyone will find it.

myPurdue Documentation Individual Blog - 2

I met with Paul in Beering's basement to work on our storyboard. Mark couldn't make it because he's out of town. I worked on the section where you request a transcipt using banner self-service.  I plan on taking all the screenshots we need for our project later this week. Using Google docs has been very efficient for working on this project.

myPurdue Documentation Individual Blog - 1

Tuesday night the three of us met to work on the proposal and Gannt chart. Each of us wrote a specific piece of the memo. I worked on the section about the benefits of the new documentation. I also plan on printing out the memo and Gannt chart before class tomorrow.

Individual Blog Internet Censorship group

Worked with Paul on the handout this morning. I wrote the summary for the ISPs' solutions to Net Neutraility. We finished the powerpoint and the editing of the final paper last night. I plan to working on the part of my presentation for the next two days because we are presenting Wednesday.

Individual Blog Internet Censorship group

I proofread ther white paper this morning. Then, I did the layout for the paper using Adobe InDesign. We plan on meeting later to look for more spelling errors and make sure our document is consistent throughout.

Individual Blog Internet Censorship group

I've been assigned to fill out the perspective of the Internet Service providers. I reasearched Comcast and AT&T's network management policies. I'm also designing the layout of our white paper. I'm planning on using Adobe InDesign to make our format easy on the eyes. I should be able to finish the paper layout template this evening before my meeting with our group.

Individual Blog Internet Censorship group

This week, I've been perusing the FCC's website, looking for things related to NEt Neutrality. There have been about three hearings dedicated to the future of the internet. All of the speakers' words are posted on the website. There also is a video of the hearing to watch. The FCC has listed its goals concerning topics like Net Neutrality. Only through deep understanding of the FCC has already done for Net Neutrality can one understand what new solutions and approaches can be taken to solve this problem.