Cover Letter Outline

I. Why I chose to respond to this job ad

   A. Interest in companies projects: ie development of high
       output power generation for naval warships

   B. Location:
      1. thoughts about living in city (pittsburgh)
      2. I look forward to having field assignments later in my

   C. Closeness of match between my skills and what they require

II. Why they should choose me

   A. Education
      1. Basic degree stuff
         a. Major and Minor, with details
         b. GPA
      2. Specific classes and projects that prepared me for this

   B. Prior work experience
      1. Internships and what my responsibilities were at each
         a. Canaley Inc.
         b. Hy-Pro Corp.

      2. Note about experience working on a global scale
         a. Canaley: produced mixer/tank packages and
             manuals for use in new Lily plants in Puerto Rico.
         b. Hy-Pro: in rewriting equipment manuals/ creatining
             option packages worked with account reps in UK and
             europe on top of U.S.

   C. Personal stuff
      1. extra-curriculars and clubs at Purdue
         a. POC, POCAR participant
         b. PUGG
         c. MS@P campaign
      2. Volunteer activities
         a. Relay for Life
         b. IDS and ITM
      3. general attitude
         a. motivated
         b. competitive
         c. enjoy problem-solving challenges.