ashipley's blog

Individual Blog: Project 3

This weekend we completed the user testing. Overall it went well. We will complete the testing report sometime this week as well as tweak our final documentation.

Individual Blog: Project 3

Last week my group presented our storyboard to the class. We also met to finish our rough draft of the documentation. We also created our questionnaire sheets for the usability testing. We picked a day, place, and time to complete the testing.

Individual Blog: Project 3

This week my group decided on a topic for our documentation: creating and using a mailing list in Purdue Webmail. We created the memo and turned it in on Wednesday. We also worked on the storyboard this weekend. Next week, we will start on the rough draft of the actual documentation.

Individual Blog: Wikipedia Group

Last week we finished the content of our paper as well as the design elements. I met with my group on Sunday to finish all of the final editing, as well as work on the powerpoint and handout. I did my section of the powerpoint and the handout.



Individual Blog: Wikipedia Group

The week before spring break, I met with my group on Thursday to write the initial draft of the paper.



(2006, November, 6). Hackers, Plagiarism Claims Hit Wikipedia. COMMWEB, Retrieved March 6, 2009, fLexisNexis Academic database.

This article was used in my section of the paper. It discusses plagiarism in Wikipedia articles that do not use appropriate citations.

Individual Blog: Wikipedia Group

I have contined/began to finish up my part of the research for the white paper in the last week. Writing for the rough draft will begin on Thursday of this week with my group.

Research Post #1:


Wikipedia:List of Guidelines. (n.d.). Retrieved March 4, 2009, from         Wikipedia:


Individual Blog: Wikipedia Group

This week I helped on the scope of work memo. I have also started research on the possibility of having all articles cited from their sources.

Topic Proposal: The Unreliability of Wikis as Research Sources

Many students use internet sites as sources for research papers. Some of these websites, such as Wikipedia, can be informative but are not necessarily reliable. On this particular site, anyone that has been approved to write an article is allowed to do so. If enough people approve this article, then it is posted on the site. This becomes a problem when people post misinformation on purpose and get approved by other people as a joke. This then becomes "fact" in the eyes of the person reading the articles and can be misused in his or her paper.

Experience Section

This last year, I worked as an undergraduate researcher performing NMR and mass spectroscopy experiments. I also assisting in processing the data.

Objective Statement Activity

·         To utilize my [educational experience in chemistry along with my experience as an undergraduate researcher] as a [Laboratory-Based Research Intern].