Mark's blog

Individual Project 2 Log 4 - Mark Laczin

We're doing our testing tonight, and we got back our whitepaper.  We did well.  Testing is all set up and the forms and things are almost perfected.  We've got to brush up the last parts of the documentation.  Very tired.

Individual Project 2 Log 3 - Mark Laczin

Yet another week later, we find our heroes fighting the forces of sleep to try to churn out another project.  We've set up the schedule for testing and a location and all the rest, and our storyboard is good so all we need are words/pictures on paper and a glass of scotch.

Individual Project 2 Log 2 - Mark Laczin

We made our presentation at the last group meeting, we kind of just outlined what steps we would later explain.  Not really 100% sure if that's what we were supposed to do, but it's quite a number of slides to begin with so I'm fairly certain we'll have plenty of material for our presentation.


Going to go do more work on it before the next element is due.

Individual Project 2 Log 1 - Mark Laczin

We decided to come up with ideas and do some simple work.  We've decided to do a Linux tutorial for a company switching over.  We've agreed to meet early next week in order to hammer out the last details of the storyboard.

Individual Project Log 5 - Mark Laczin

Finished the presentation slides, got the paper done, and worked out the handouts.


Almost done.

Individual Project Log 4 - Mark Laczin

I wrote my parts of the paper and participated in the formatting and design of our rough draft.  We're really just ironing out little issues right now - I've got to alter the citation methods.  But after that, I think we'll have a really good paper.

Individual Project Log 3 - Mark Laczin

This meeting we discussed what will be done before, during and after Spring break, and finalized what is going to happen when.  We've also agreed on times to meet at the end of this week and the beginning of the week we get back.


My own research is going well, I'm going to start putting words on paper later this week (some exams are currently taking my free time).

Individual Project Log 2 - Mark Laczin

A the last meeting, we discussed what we'd each be writing before Spring Break.  We're going to be researching/writing our parts and then combining them in the days before the rough draft is due.  I've done some research, but I'll be finishing stuff up soon.

Individual Project Log 1 - Mark Laczin

So far, I have participated in the creation of all of the things our group has done.  I have also started and enforced meeting times.


As far as research is concerned, I have just found what my field of research will be for this project and I plan to look for information tonight and over the weekend.


Topic Proposal: Internet Censorship and Content Filtering

If you have Comcast internet, you may have noticed that they throttle Bittorrent traffic.  If you live in the Middle East (and places in the Far East), when going to a site that has speech against the ideals of the current regime, you are met with a message letting you know that they’re protecting you from dangerous people on the Internet.  Internet Censorship is a fancy way to tell people what they can and cannot do with ideas and information.  The fact that governments use this to control what their people think about the outside world is evidence of the problem.