Alex's blog

WIKI GROUP: Meeting 5

-Who:  Ansbaugh, Davitt, Kreul, Simpson

-When:  Monday, 3/23/09

-Where:  ENGL421 classroom


-Goal:  assemble white paper, complete all sections

-Topics discussed:  what text to cut :(

-Decisions made:  snippets from solutions will be cut :(

-Tasks delegated & to whom:  Sam will compile sections and complete unfinished sections with Alex

3/13/09 Individual Blog (Alex Kreul, wiki group)

I have now completed the majority of my writing (so far about 300 words), outlining the history of wikis and introducing the problems involved with wiki accuracy.  I am planning on doing a little experiment and taking some good screenshots ... maybe intentionally altering a Wikipedia page to be wrong, and seeing how long it is left like that, and if I get banned from editing pages in the future.  We'll see!

WIKI GROUP: Meeting 4

-Who:  Ansbaugh, Davitt, Kreul, Simpson

-When:  Friday, 3/6/09

-Where:  ENGL421 classroom


-Goal:  discuss sources

-Topics discussed:  what sources we have used, what else we are looking for, next step once research is complete

-Decisions made:  none

3/6/09 Individual Blog (Alex Kreul, wiki group)

I have gotten pretty far on my research this week, finding a lot of information about the history of wikis.

- first wiki site, WikiWiki, created by Ward Cunningham in the 1990s

- "wiki" means "quick" in Hawaiian


WIKI GROUP: Meeting 3

-Who:  Ansbaugh, Davitt, Kreul, Simpson

-When:  Wednesday, 3/4/09

-Where:  ENGL421 classroom


-Goal:  to continue research, find sources

-Topics discussed:  sources used so far, organization of white paper

-Decisions made:  none

2/27/09 Individual Blog (Alex Kreul, wiki group)

Not much to report this week, as we haven't gotten too far into the  white paper project yet.

I was designated the group blogger, meaning it is my responsibility to post group meeting blogs.  I am also in charge of gathering background information for the white paper itself.

WIKI GROUP: Meeting 2

-Who:  Ansbaugh, Davitt, Kreul, Simpson

-When:  Wednesday, 2/25/09

-Where:  ENGL421 classroom


-Goal:  to complete our memo of understanding for project 2.

-Topics discussed:  stages of the white paper project, respective due dates, who will be responsible for each section of the white paper

WIKI GROUP: Meeting 1

-Who:  Ansbaugh, Davitt, Kreul, Simpson

-When:  Friday, 2/20/09

-Where:  ENGL421 classroom


-Goal:  to complete our proposal memo for project 2.

-Topics discussed:  wiki background information, the importance of our issue, potential solutions to our issue, possible resources for information on our issue.

Topic Proposal: Facebook privacy issues

Facebook, once a very secure, private social network, has become plagued by internet hackers phishing for private information.  It all starts with wall posts that direct Facebook users to an external site that supposedly contains something of interest to the user.  At this external site, the user is prompted for their username and password.  However, rather that gaining access to the site, the user is rejected.  Why?  Because the site doesn't in fact contain what it is thought to, but rather is used solely for phishing.  Once phishers obtain usernames and paswo

Work Experience

My most relevant work experience is my internship last summer with Boeing.  I worked as a Weight Engineer on the 787 program.  In this position, I studied the structure of the airplane, gathered weight data for the 787 as well as the other legacy airplanes, and researched relationships between physical characteristics and stress, strain, etc.