Project Log

Website Creating

This week we had our first meeting although I missed due to an exam. The group put together our proposal. This week I made the example website that we will be using as the final webiste. Matt has the original or starting website that we will be using to modify to match my website. This weekend I will start to put together the story board and making the steps for the project.

LINUX GROUP: Personal Blog for the week of April 6th

I attended 2 meetings about deciding our topic.

I proof-read the memo document.

I created the Gantt Chart.

LINUX GROUP: Meeting 2

Meeting at: 5pm 4/8/2009

Location: Classroom

Attended by: Will, Mark, Samhita

Goals: Figure out when to meet about storyboards

Topics discussed: Storyboards

Decisions: decided to meet on Monday about creating our storyboards

Delegations: Will is in charge of scheduling the meeting

Next meeting: Monday April 13th

LINUX GROUP: Meeting 1

Meeting at: 8pm 4/6/2009

Location: Classroom

Attended by: Will, Mark, Samhita

Goals: Decide topic and task assignments

Topics discussed: eBay, and Linux as topics, task assignments

Decisions: decided to do documentation for a company that is switching its desktops from Windows to Linux

Delegations: As seen on our Gantt Chart

Next meeting: TBD

Individual Project 2 Log 1 - Mark Laczin

We decided to come up with ideas and do some simple work.  We've decided to do a Linux tutorial for a company switching over.  We've agreed to meet early next week in order to hammer out the last details of the storyboard.

8Apr09 - Individual Contribution to DesignWorkshop Lite group

This week our group began work on our enhanced documentation for the DesignWorkshop Lite program by submitting a proposal memo and Gantt chart.  I formatted the memo and composed the introduction section of the memo.  After compiling the nearly-complete memo from other members' contributions, I also performed significant edits on other members' sections before passing it on to the other group members for further editing.

Documentation StarCraft Group: Meeting 3

We met during class on Wednesday April 8th and all group members (Hu, John, Brett, and Liz) were present.  During this meeting we finished up some individual blogs, discussed our storyboard, and determined we would meet during class time on Friday in order to begin work on our storyboard. 

Zach Allen Individual Blog Week 1

Today I worked on our Proposal/Gantt Chart for an hour.  I had to watch a tutorial in order to make the chart.  Even with a video helping me, it still wasn't an easy process.  At first, I tried to used Microsoft's own website to help me but that was pretty much worthless.  I assume the 7 minute video has sound, but I was unable to listen.  The video did highlight each step specifically before moving on, but sometimes it was hard to follow.

Documentation StarCraft Individual: Blog 2

Since last posting I have aided in editing the Gantt chart and the overall project memo as well as putting them within the same document and emailing copies to all group members as well as turning in the final email draft to the professor before class time.

Documentation Log 1


-Met with group for memo and gantt chart.

-Reveiwed and revised memo rough draft.  Forwarded to next group member for review.