Project Log

LINUX GROUP: Meeting 4

Meeting at: 6:00pm 4/18/2009

Location: Email

Attended by: Will, Mark,Cole, Samhita

Goals: We figured out how we were splitting tasks up

Topics discussed: Storyboard PPT

Decisions: I would create the skeleton of the document, and add my screenshots, Marc and Samhita would evaluate it, then I would finalize it and turn it in. In addition Cole would be responsible for surveys

LINUX GROUP: Personal Blog for the week of April 13th

I took the Linux screenshots to be used for the documentation, and created the structure of the documentation.

In addition I attended 2 meetings.

Individual Blog - Wireless 3

I reviewed the documentatin and worked through it.  I fixed a few problems and clarified a few items and subitted the rought draft during class.

Individual Project 2 Log 3 - Mark Laczin

Yet another week later, we find our heroes fighting the forces of sleep to try to churn out another project.  We've set up the schedule for testing and a location and all the rest, and our storyboard is good so all we need are words/pictures on paper and a glass of scotch.

Documentation Log 4


-Proofread rough draft and made changes as necessary

-Sent corrections to other group members

-Made icon pics for documentation

Usability Study and User Documentation in Multimedia - Indivisual Blog

Entry 3:

I have written the part for the copying the DVD (draft). The observational survey was made.

I have compiled the everyone's parts to send it before the class time

Usability Study and User Documentation in Multimedia - Indivisual Blog

Entry #2:

I have made slides for the storyboard on copying DVDs.

Screenshots are added for the explaination.

Usability Study and User Documentation in Multimedia - Indivisual Blog

Entry #1:

I have gathered information about the copying DVD (program)

Group meet to discuss the indivisual tasks and preparation for presentation of storyboard slides.

I'm charge of copying the DVD.

Purdue Libraries: Individual Blog 2

I completed my section of the rough draft, "Finding an article using ejournals", by adapting the material I used from the storyboard presentation.  I modified the directions in some of the steps to be generally applicable instead of specific to the example we are using.

Completed Documentation Draft

We met for 2hrs in the classroom and completed the documentation. The adobe version is pretty snazzy with all sorts of links, and gadgets, and whatchimicallits.