
MySpace: Meeting 1

  • When you met and where-Mon. Oct. 6 at class time
  • Who was there -Diedra Marcoccia, Phillip Prentice, Chelsea Krammes
  • What was the goal of the meeting-To get to know the other members of the group and to discuss our topic
  • What topics overall you discussed- Some of our intended audiences and the problems kids are faced with when using MySpace (sexual predators). Some of the sources that we think will be reliable for our research.
  • Any decisions you made- We decided to target school aged kids and their parents
  • What tasks you delegated to whom- Chelsea-researching child protection group for kids   Diedra- Research privacy issues  Phillip- Research current and past legislation
  • What your plans are for the next meeting-  Bring all the information, facts, and figures that we researched and put together our memo proposal
  • Any other details-  Each of the members to review what we need to do for a proper memo.
  • Music Group

    • When you met and where

            - We met in the normal classroom

    • Who was there

                - Laneta, Inder, Sol, Cam

    • What was the goal of the meeting

             - To setup  another meeting date and to start on project 2 that's due Friday.

    • What topics overall you discussed

             - We discussed the different issues with downloading music illegally.

    • Any decisions you made

              -  Everybody had good ideas, but we are still trying to decide on a specific topic.

    • What tasks you delegated to whom

             - Cam - potiential solution examined(look around)

             - Laneta - found out concise background infromation

              -Sol- Find / think of persuasive reason  related to the topic

              - Inder - look for the different possible resources that we can use

    • What your plans are for the next meeting

             - collaborate all of ideas and all the information that we found

    • Any other details you think would be helpful in explaining tasks, responsibilities, or the topic in general. This blog is for your group members to consult once they are home as well as for me to view.

            - No, all group members have a clear view of the topic and what is going on. 

    Group: Chat Room Safety and Security

    Our whole group met at 9:30 in the classroom, Kelly M., Daniel B., Ben B., and Lauren D.  We chose the topic chat room security and safety of primarily teenagers; focusing mainly on people posing as someone they are not in a chat room, and the consequences of their actions.  The goal of this meeting was to begin gathering research for our project and to get ideas for our proposal.  We delegated the task of writing the blogs to Lauren.  We decided to meet Wednesday night to write our memo.  In the mean time, we are going to gather information on our own and come prepared Wednesday night.

    Topic Propsal #2: Social Predators in Online Chatrooms/ Social Networking Sites

    Over the last decade, child predators have been using the internet as a base for soliciting underage children for explicit illegal actions. Although tough monitoring by police and child abuse prevention groups, chatrooms/social networks still pose a risk for those underage and not aware of the dangers of social online predators. Children need to be more educated in the areas of knowing who is posing as an online predator and how to avoid engaging in private conversations for the prevention of the child becoming a victim. Online predators are prevalent all over the United States and action needs to be taken accordingly in order to protect the young children of the country.


    Topic Proposal: Underage Drinking at College

    Most of college students by the end of their freshman year have probably experimented with alcohol. Even so, some may already have in highschool. This problem of underage drinking is a persistent problem throughout all universities in the United States. Many don't understand the reprocussions or the effects of this behavior will have on their lives as they get older. Parents are not aware of the dangers these students face when they participate in underage drinking. Not enough is being done on campuses to combat this problem and many feel that it's the norm of all colleges, that people drink. Underage drinking can lead a host of problems even during the student's time in college, affecting many different areas of their life. Administration, students and Greek society in the United States universities must take a stronger look at underage drinking and try to limit this epidemic which affects many young adults here in America.


    Topic Proposal: [Downloading music and music videos illegally].

    I believe that downloading music and music videos illegally is terrrible wrong.  Most of the users don't know or don't want to know that it is illegal. These songs are copyrighted meaning that they are illegal to be downloaded from programs like limewire or Aries. If you buy the music or music videos then that's the correct way to get the music.  Some people know that it is illegal and still do it, accordding to recent research it is agaimst the law.

    Also downloading music and music videos really harm the artist.  If you are stealling one of your favorite Artist music from Limewire, then you are not helping them at all.  Basically you are stealing form the Artist. That is really wrong.

    This drastically cuts the amount of CDs sold. Therefore, record companies are spending less money to promote new artists.  This hurts well-known artists as much, but it makes it much harder to break new artists because no one wants to invest money into a new band, especially when its core audience is people who will most likely steal the product. Overall, the music industry is decreasing . Basically you are stealing form the Artist. That is really wrong.

    Topic Proposal: Facebook violating our privacy rights

    With the recent boom in social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, the idea of our privacy has almost completely disappeared. It is true that many of these include privacy statements that must be agreed upon by users when signing up, but these are usually vague and are plentiful of legal jargon. Due to the fact that these are free-access websites, anyone can retrieve important information that inherently belongs to individuals. Many governments, ad agencies, and corporations use such information to collect data and develop strategies. Moreover these kinds of websites have become a primary tool for stalkers and sexual predators. Furthermore, the widespread usage of such sites makes it a greater threat to individual’s privacy rights.

    Fraudulent Items for Sale!

    I would like to start a discussion about an experience that I just recently had. I will keep the story short and hopefully to the point, now I am in the market to purchase another motorcycle. So the new thing to do to find such items besides Ebay is Craigslist. While searching craigslist I stumbled upon a 2002 Ducati 748 Monoposto that was absolutely breathtaking. The price was unbievable at just $3100 American buckaroos! So I jumped all over the deal. Emailing the seller was my next step in coming closer to owning such a bike. while emailing back and forth I just started to not feel right. Now coming from such a business background I believe gave me enough gut feeling to just watch my self in this deal so I would not get burnt. Long story short. If I would have followed through with all of the instructions I would have lost $3100 American buckaroos to some chap in London with no bike and minus some pride. Why and how are these people allowed to post fraudulent items like this, why is there nobody monitoring this kind of stuff? The worst part about it is that while i was smart enough to not get f-ed in the deal, someone else will.

    Topic Proposal : The danger of child pornography in second life.

    There have been a handful of cases in which users in Second Life, a role playing game were found to have been creating or exchanging child pornography, which has led it to be a common target for media outlets. This includes both real-life photographs and virtual recreations of pornographic scenes involving children, which are illegal.

    Although this problem could occur on any internet site which allowed material to be freely uploaded, it is much more difficult to deal with on Second Life because of its strong support for content crossover. The problem is compounded by the full customizability of Second Life avatars; it is easy to create an avatar which has the height and stature of an adult but appears child-like with regard to body development, or vice versa, and a person's belief regarding the age their avatar appears to be may not match the belief of other people.

    Topic Proposal : The danger of privacy for facebook users

    I would like to talk about the problems on social networking sites. The problems with facebook have been increased due to the massive number of users. The majority of college students have facebook and also it has spread into a giant social networking system. Although there are lots of advantages towards networking for the users but there are also negative aspects. One of the negative aspects would be about the privacy issue. Even though facebook has privacy settings available, many users are not aware of the privacy settings or simply do not know about the potential harm they could be facing. Their privacy is exposed to the general public that has a facebook account. Many job recruiters check on their prospects facebook as a source of their back ground. This matter can lead to a serious harm. Although facebook is a great networking system, user’s privacy need to be protected.