
Topic Proposal : Illegal Music Downloading Ruins Artist's creativity and Music Indurstry

Majority of people are down loading music illegally from the internet or P2P program without guiltiness. Downloading music from the internet or P2P programs are violating copyrights law in United States. The music industry is facing unprecedented financial difficulties. Due to this illegal situation, artists are finding it to be extremely hard to survive. Large quantities of record store in Korea closed due to extremely decreasing record sales in a short time. According to “SurveyU,” out of 500 students at Northern Michigan University, 490 students have downloaded music illegally. Music industries and entertainment companies looking for solutions due to this problem but they have not yet found an effective solution.

Topic Proposal: RPG; Time not so well wasted

Role Playing Games are ruining the lifestyles and lives of their daily players.  RPGs usually form around a topic or area of interest that the players have in common.  I believe that every good game must come to an end and the way RPGs are setup, there are always new places being added to go, and missions being added to complete.  This incisive addiction to the game can cause people to go from playing the game in their free time to feeling they MUST play so many hours each day/week or they will get behind the rest of the members. 

Proposal: Music Downloading

I would like to further discuss music downloading.  It directly relates to Purdue students because students just a couple years ago were turned in for illegal downloading.  I would like to explore the other options, and any solutions that have been made or propsed to hinder illegal downloading.  I also think it is important to take a look at both sides of the situation, and see exactly how much illegal downloading is still going on.  As a user of itunes myself, I wonder why more people still find it too expensive for $.99 per song?  Also, some artists aren't on itunes, I would like to explore why they don't see this as a fair option.


I would like to bring the problem of social networking privacy to the table and explain some of the key problems people are having with these programs. MySpace and Facebook are allowing younger aged kids to be in the same social networking areas as adults. I see this as a problem, as it is every parent’s nightmare to have their child talking with a stranger. I would like to expand on the idea that these networks should be limiting their clients to certain age groups, and leaving adults and younger aged children in different networks.

Topic Proposal: E-Commerce Hurdles

E-commerce has become the next generation in retail.  Suppliers can now reach out to a greater market than ever before, and consumers now have access to broader array of products than ever in history.  A new type of supplier is being created that can potentially pass the savings on real estate and labor to the customer and offer their products at substantially lower prices than traditional retailers.  However, these new suppliers do face many challenges that need to be addressed.  Many customers are not as comfortable purchasing an item they cannot touch and feel first, from a supplier they cannot look in the face.  Internet fraud is also a growing concern, and many internet customers in the past have been burned by poor shipping experiences.  These issues must be resolved for e-commerce to be successful. 

The Facebook Team.....

Hey guys,

Not bad, we have got a sweet topic to work out:) So when do u guys want to meet? Shall we keep on Monday sometime, between 12:30pm to 3:30pm? Does that sound good?


Post desired meeting time and AIM SN if you have it

E-Comm Group 2 Chat

Hey guys, so who's all in this group? Ricardo and Kyle?

Topic Proposal - Statement of Problem by Siranjani

One of the prime problems associated with social networks that is considered to be their main flaw is privacy invasion.  Though it is a good form to remain connected with friends and family in a very convenient and accessible way; misuse of personal data by others can be the reason to tampering ones image and/ or disturbing many relationships. Also, as the corporate world has entered these social networks; fiddling with personal data and photographs can cost one professionally too. Though these networks were started to make the world a smaller place and get people closer, its misuse has led to many networks being banned in several countries of the world.

Topic Proposal: Social Networks Provide Children With More The Means Get Into Trouble

Social Networks are great ways to keep in contact with people when used properly. When some children get on these networks it can cause many problems. These problems could be privacy problems and even bullying problems. This past summer I heard a story of a young child who posted a altered her birthday so that she could gain access to the internet. The girl got into a fight with another girl at school and that other girl, along with her friends and her mom, harassed the girl using a social network until the girl committed suicide. This is obviously an extreme case of a problem, but obviously very possible