
Project Update - Cyberbullying

My group met this week on Monday and Tuesday to write the rough draft of our white paper on cyberbullying.  We all met in a computer lab on Monday and wrote approximately half of our paper.  We decided on a format and began writing.  Tuesday we met in a computer lab again and finished the paper.  We all wrote different sections and we each put input into all aspects of the paper.  We are meeting again this coming Monday to work on the revisions that were suggested to us and complete our final draft.  We will also discuss the plans for our presentation and decide who will be presenting each section.

Individual Research for White Paper Blog 4


During this week we were all assigned new parts of the white paper.  I was given the executive summary.  The rest of the group members picked from the works cited, table of contents, conclusion, and graphic.  Our goal was to have this done by Sunday evening and then meet to put it into the white paper but that was not the case.  We ended up finishing the final product of the white paper on Monday. 

Now or goal is to us the peer review to our advantage so we can make our white paper perfect.  We plan on meeting on Monday at 2:30 to go over the revisions and prepare for the presentation.

Individual Research for White Paper Blog 3


During the week I was assigned to write the background history and the introduction for our white paper.  The rest of the members of my group were given one solution to our problem and then wrote about it.  During my research of the background history I found that Facebook has grown to 100 million users in little over 4 years now.

After we all finished our sections we consolidated our information into the white paper.  We each did our own litte peer review within our group and then put each piece into the white paper.  I believe we did this on Thursday evening during our meeting. 

Another interesting fact I found about Facebook was that half of the users are out of school.  Meaning 50 million users are adults outside of high schools and universities.


Weekly Research Blog

This week my main task was to finalize my first draft of the whitepaper. I have already created a graphic to explain how the chat system I developed would work. In addition, I got a screenshot of a similar system in use on Purdue's MEL Library's website. I also did some additional research on the skype api and how it can be used to make a voice chat program in the website. I was able to see how to use Python or C# to develop a skype web application. I was mainly concerned with these two languages because they are the most likely languages that is actually developed in.

After I had done more thorough research, I was able to write a more complete and accurate first draft, which will lead to a better final paper.

Progress Update

I reformatted the paper for the rough draft submission, and made sure that everything was in order to be submitted

Update (B)log #2

After doing peer reviews this week, we really got to see how much we needed to alter our own paper. We had just done individual portions of  the white paper and had organized it into one document, but we were missing all the headers and some of our content was lengthy.

Yesterday I decided to fix up my portion of the white paper. I edited the executive summary so that is more concise and does not get into too much detail. In terms of my solution, I used a header and subheaders to make it more clear. Rather than it being the huge chunk of writing that it was before, it is now divided into sections that make sense complete with headers that really make it easier to understand (hopefully).

Also, I found two charts from the FBI's internet crime report to be potentially included in our white paper. We directly reference that report in our paper, and it would only make sense to provide the charts that support our claims.

I look forward to getting our peer review back so that we know what we must edit.

Progress with White Paper

Today we turned in our rought drafts of the white paper.  I have met with my group three times so far and we will plan on meeting two more times before the final draft and presentation are due next Friday.  Our plan to break up our three solutions and then put our paper together worked very well.  Now we just need to add graphs and a title page and come up with our presentation plan before Friday. 

Work Blog

Finished introduction, history, executive summary, conclusion, and solution assembly.  Began revising and editing white paper draft.  Put together works cited and went through to ensure APA guidelines.  Printed out white paper draft.

Project 2 blog 3

So this week I finished my research on Account Verification. And typed up a 500ish word document that presented my research, and sent it to John for our white paper rough drafft. I found some images that could be used for the presentation as well as brainstormed ideas for how to present my topic.


Also will be doing peer reviews today in class.

Weekly Blog 2: Shipping Solution

After researching the shipping fraud problem, I have came up with an idea, that I believe will deter or even stop shipping fraud through eBay and other e-commerce web sites.  I have written my solution down in a one-page paper that will become a section of the white paper.  This document has been e-mailed to all memebers of my group and set up for inclusion in the white paper.  I have also been working on the handouts for my section of the white paper, as well as powerpoint slides for the presentation.