
Work Blog Week 3

I made tweaks to the second solution which I was assigned. I took everybody's parts and put them all into a single document, making the whitepaper. I formatted the white paper and made it look appealing. I helped group members with their parts, in proofreading and provided suggestions on their corresponding tasks. I also coordinated meeting times.



Audible Magic: CopySense Appliance. (2008). Retrieved October 17, 2008, from
Audible Magic Web site:

Cheng, J. (2007). Forget party schools: The RIAA lists the top piracy schools in the US [News].
    Retrieved October 29, 2008, from Ars Web site:

Navin, A. (2007, May 7). Perspective: The P2P mistake at Ohio University Retrieved October 22, 2008, from Cnet News Web site:

Larson, W. (2007, February 26). UNL 3rd on RIAA's list of schools with most copyright complaints Retrieved October 21, 2008, from Daily Nebraskan Web site:




week 3 update

Last week, I have researched and organized more on children's relationship with Facebook and also typed everything up for my group's white paper. All the information has been organized with a bullet points and used to write our group's white paper. This week I will go over the my portion of the work and correct the errors on our group's white paper.


Updating the Peer Reviewed Sections

Last week and this weekend after reviewing the paper in class, I finished editing what needed to be corrected and will be meeting with my group this week to finish the paper and power point for presentations for this Friday.

Work Blog: Week of 10/27

Today and last night I went over my portion and revised sections I thought were weak.  I have also brainstormed some ideas for our presentation and plan on scheduling a group meeting.  We will be prepared for our presentation by Thursday.

Progress Update

Over the weekend i got all the final versions from the other members of my group.  I compiled these to make a final version and added the cover page and table of contents.  the paper also recieved some other final formatting modifications including another spelling and grammar check. 

At this point the paper is just about ready to turn in.  I plan on doing one more grammar and spelling check and possibly some minor formatting changes if the other group members chose to do so.

Week 3: Music group -Individual Work

 I had done my part, history of problem and solution 3rd part. I had  a trouble with inappropriate solution but it solved with changing company which we were going to send.

 We have done our first draft of White Paper. I went to the Writing Lab and had counsel with Mr. John Hitz. I found some grammar errors and fixed it. The biggest problem was misunderstanding of executive summary. Not only executive summary, but also there are other problem, such as lack of source, wrong order of bibliography, parallelism and so on. I let my group know about those problems. My group gathered together and fixed every problem. I also make all paper contents with a same format.

 After I got peer review from other groups, I found that Sending Company was not appropriate according to our solutions. So we decided send this white paper to University. I am keep researching right now and Howard university seems need our solutions. I am researching more about college or university which concerns about illegal download music, but don't have solutions.

E-commerce Fraud, Group Entry #3

Each of the group members spent the past week and weekend writing separate
portions of the white paper draft. We had an efficient way of dividing the work
and emailing each other the portions according to our schedule since we were
not able to meet during the weekend. Ultimately, one person put together all
the portions and that was our draft.

After doing peer reviews, we learned how to fix our white paper. We realized
that we were missing quite a bit from it, and after critiquing someone else's,
we saw our strengths and our weaknesses.

This weekend we have the task of editing our individual contributions. The
things we need to fix are making our portions more concise, doing both pros and
cons in our solutions, deleting irrelevant portions of our paper and similarly
adding in entire portions that we failed to address, and creating a more
organized look to our paper. Next Tuesday we will be meeting after we have
finished editing our portions so that we can all have a final say for the
white paper. We hope that after that we can have the white paper spiral bound.

MySpace: Individual work

This week we turned in the draft of the White Paper. We e-mailed each other many times about the paper and we each read through the paper and edited it.  I was primarily in charge of the "safer MySpace" section, the conclusion, and getting the works cited page put together and in MLA format.  We plan to get together next week to work on editing the White Paper and working on our presentation.

week 3 post

Today in class we got together and discused and looked over our peer review. We came to conclusion that our group needs to break up the paper more and be more explicit. We found out that our paper is a little hard to defined where our many solutions are. We also need to work on the "changing facebook" features and be more descriptive. We are going to meet two times next week, for reorganizing and adding features to our paper and to discuss our presentation.

My work thus far

I was unaware that all of us had to be writing individual blogs so here is my work thus far. Last week I spent the week researching the groups topic of cyber bullying. Specifically I have been researching current issues and lawsuits of cyber bullying cases. also I have been researching how people can prevent cyber bullying and other similar issues on the web. This past week the group has been writing the first draft of the White Paper Project. I specifically wrote the section involving how we can make the public more aware of the problem at hand. I also assisted in writing the rest of the paper and bringing everyone else's parts together to make a finished product.